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HEERA Soya Chunks 500gm

Soya chunks are made using soy flour that has been 'defatted' or the oil is removed. They are the byproducts left after extracting soybean oil and have a rough texture when left dry. ... Soya chunks are also very versatile and can also be cooked to have a

HEERA Curry Leaves 20 gm

The main difference between dried and fresh curry leaves is that the fresh ones have a stronger aroma and more flavor than the drained. However, dried leaves are ideal to accent a dish instead of overpowering it. If you're new to Indian cuisine, be aware

HEERA Dalchini whole 400gm

Cinnamon is the dried inner bark of various trees belonging to the Cinnamomum genus, with the thinnest bark being the highest quality. It has sweet, pleasant smell and taste, and is used widely in beverages and food. In cooking, it is used in both dessert

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